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Brief Information about the June/July 97 CSIG Meeting
// SizeDate.c B. Arnold 06-14-1997
// Object: To "walk" down a directory tree and calculate the following.
// 1. The total size of each directory taking into
// account the cluster size on the storage device.
// 2. The date of the Oldest file in each directory.
// 3. The date of the Newest file in each directory.
// 4. The total space used and the remaining space.
#define VERSION \
" SizeDate - Directory Mbyte sizes & dates. Version 1.30 B.Arnold 6/97\n"\
" Usage: SizeDate drive_path\n"\
" Example: SizeDate \\ or SizeDate C:\\WINDOWS\n"\
" Note: calculations consider disk cluster sizes and hidden files."
// Compile using Borlandc ... bcc -w -ml sizedate.c
/* ************************ SAMPLE OUTPUT *******************************
; 06/14/97
; 20:28:21
8 INCLUDE ................................... 08-29-95 ... 08-29-95
1 --+ CLASSLIB ................................ 08-29-95 ... 08-29-95
1 --+--+ OBSOLETE ............................. 08-29-95 ... 08-29-95
1 --+ GL ................................ 08-29-95 ... 08-29-95
1 --+ OCF ................................ 08-29-95 ... 08-29-95
1 --+ OSL ................................ 08-29-95 ... 08-29-95
3 --+ OWL ................................ 08-29-95 ... 12-12-96
1 --+ OWLCVT ................................ 08-29-95 ... 08-29-95
1 --+ SYS ................................ 08-29-95 ... 08-29-95
13 MB used
121 MB avail
************************************************************************* */
"Random Access" questions start at 7:30 Tuesday night.
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For help, email me at b a r n o l d @ i e e e . o r g
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