Windows Screen Saver
The Tuesday night (3rd Tuesday) meeting
will feature the a discussion on Windows Screen Saver programs.
Code will be discussed and handed out for a 400 line saver written
in C++ for the Generic Windows API. The program may be compiled
under Borland, Microsoft, etc. compilers. The "basic level"
section of the meeting will discuss a 1 page program using a custom
C++ class.
Java J++ Version 1.00 Professional - Free Software
Through the generosity of Microsoft I have received
several dozen copies of "Microsoft Java J++ Version 1.00
Professional " for distribution to ACGNJ members in the C++
User Group, the Java Study Group, etc. This WIN95 and WINNT
development package consists of 50 Megs of tools and information
on a CD. Also included is a 350 page book: "Learn Java Now"
by Stephen Davis. I plan to distribute the software at the next
C++ meeting, Tuesday. (Note: We will have applications available
for any non-members who wish to join the club.)