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Brief Information about the October 96 CSIG Meeting

Part One

Disk Free Space program enhancements in Borland O.W.L. C++

//      Object:  to summarize the disk free space of all drives as follows.

//      Compiler is Borlandc++ version 4.52

//      Note:  This program uses the "OWL Application Framework" included
//             with the compiler.  This Object Windows (class) Library
//             replaces most of the Windows API functions with functions
//             contained with its C++ classes.  The goal is to make Windows
//             programming simpler.

  See the July Meeting notes for more information.

Part Two 
/*      ATTR95.c        B. Arnold       8-20-1992
 *      OBJECT:  to process hidden files for a Windows 95 (tm) disk copy.
 *      PROBLEM:  After purchasing a new larger hard drive, how can the files
 *                on drive C: be copied to the new drive C: ?
 *      **** CAUTION **** CAUTION **** CAUTION **** CAUTION **** CAUTION ****
 *      UNTESTED SOLUTION:  Temporarily connect the old drive as D:, then
 *                boot from a floppy and use XCOPY/S to copy all the files from
 *                D: to C:.  Note, the System, and Hidden file attributes must
 *                be removed first so that the copy will catch all files. 
 *                (Naturally the new drive must be initialized with FORMAT/S.)
 *                Next, change all the file attributes back to their original
 *                values.
 *                The enclosed 'C' program will build a special batch file
 *                which will change the file attribute flags using the 
 *                ATTRIB command.
 *                  ATTRIB    -A    -H  C:\WINDOWS\HELP\BACKUP.GID
 *                  ATTRIB    -A    -H  C:\WINDOWS\BACKUP\HPBACKUP.GID
 *                  rem --              -- Subdir next:
 *                  ATTRIB       -S     C:\WINDOWS\FONTS
 *                  ATTRIB    -A    -H  C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\8514FIX.FON
 *                  ATTRIB    -A    -H  C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\8514OEM.FON
 *                  ATTRIB    -A    -H  C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\8514SYS.FON
 *      BACKGROUND:  Windows95 keeps a hundred or more Hidden and/or System
 *                files.  Some of the hidden files are in Hidden directories,
 *                and/or System directories.

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"Random Access" questions start at 7:30 Tuesday night.


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