Hi Bruce & all,

The link is again:


to download the IDE. Then one must do in the IDE:

Tools -> Options -> Build Tools
Then hilite (and check) VC++ 6.0 for win32
Then Properties
You will then see the dialog below:
The paths you must browse to (with the ... button) are those directories that VC++ uses for the standard libraries and the compiler itself as shown below. The front poart of your paths may be different.

Next, one must "tell" the IDE where the "windows goodies" are, by selecting:
Tools -> Options -> Folders -> Target [Win32] -> Show folders for: [executable Folders]
and in the Folders listbox click the outlined folder (left of the red X button)
then click the ... button and navigate the popup to the VC++ IDE development binary folder, where Mspdb60.dll (among others) resides.
You should then see as below

One last task is to navigate to the various Samples directories created by the installation of PenRight! 1.7 They will be something like:

Now edit each of the .MBP (Mobile Builder Project) files, in each of these directories as below, changing the 4th line
  __Version = "2.0.SP0" to   __Version = "1.7.SP0" as below

What a nice hack(!) to make them work.

The item I didn't clarify last night is what happens when one creates a new project, say X.
the following files are added to the empty project folder:

X.mbp                - the project file as above from the examples
 __b.bat              - the batch file for one's particular configuration (win32, palm, etc.)
 r.bat                   - the thing that happens when one "runs" from the IDE (the lightning bolt button)
 X.mak                - the mak file for your compiler
 d.bat                  - an interesting debug "run" of ones executable
 b.bat                  - the "build" batch file for debug or release.

The project files are interesting. The "TTarget" elements describe to the IDE the various target OS's, and offer the details to create executables using various compilers. Here is where VC++6 was added for win32 targets. Study of these batch and project files will give a good idea of how the IDE works.

A few last odds and ends. I will try to "jpg" the manuals, and put hem on my website  http://s94049471.onlinehome.us  somewhere.
In the examples, and in genereal, anywhere text input can be entered with the keyboard, or written in, one can double click with one's mouse or pen, and a popup keyboard or numberpad, as appropriate, will appear! Try it in the examples.

If anyone has any problems, or questions, email me, etc.
